Expected Utility for Probabilistic Prospects and the Common Ratio Property
We prove the existence of an expected utility function for preferences over probabilistic prospects satisfying Strict Monotonicity, Indifference, the Common Ratio Property, Substitution and Reducibility of Extreme Prospects. The example in [1] that is inconsistent with the existence of a von Neumann-Morgenstern for preferences over probabilistic prospects, violates the Common Ratio Property. Subsequently, we prove the existence of expected utility functions with piecewise linear Bernoulli utility functions for preferences that are piece-wise linear. For this case a weaker version of the Indifference Assumption that is used in the earlier existence theorems is sufficient. We also state analogous results for probabilistic lotteries. We do not require any compound prospects or mixture spaces to prove any of our results. In the third last section of this paper, we “argue” that the observations related to Allais paradox, do not constitute a violation of expected utility maximization by individuals, but is a likely manifestation of individuals assigning (experiment or menu-dependent?) subjective probabilities to events which disagree with their objective probabilities.

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