An Improved Sunflower Optimization Algorithm for Cluster Selection With Secured Data Transmission Using Cryptographic Techniques in WSNS – IoT
Security and energy consumption are the two greatest issues of wireless sensor networks. Large numbers of malicious nodes might be found in sensing equipment. To find these rogue nodes, the researchers have proposed a number of strategies. The data must be protected from avoid attacks on these networks and data transfers.This project aims to enable secure routing and mutual authentication via an IoT-based WSN.This study presents a unique algorithm for selecting the top CHs in IoT-WSN. The new technique is an Improved Sunflower Optimisation technique (ISFO), which combines the Levy Flight Operator. The functions of the suggested method can be regulated by such invocation. The suggested method can avoid becoming stuck in local minima by balancing the processes of diversification and intensification. The application of cryptography techniques helps provide reliable and effective solutions to security needs. Nowadays, key management is utilized mostly for data secrecy to provide trustworthy security systems and give an overview of the cryptographic techniques used to clarify security concerns with wireless sensor networks. The proposed ISFO protocol offers consistent results in for end-to-end delays (E2E_Delay), network throughputs (NT), packet delivery ratios (PDR), and network lifetimes during performance evaluations. The proposed protocol beat all other earlier research by offering WSN hybrid security, optimized coverage, and energy efficiency.

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