Fractional Programming for Stackelberg Game Under Type-2 Fuzzy Environment


This study intends to present a Stackelberg game model for design of the fractional type-2 fuzzy programming. In achieving this aspiration, we develop a probabilistic fuzzy multi-objective fractional linear programming where the entire parameters are of type-2 fuzzy numbers apart from the right-hand side of the constraints are follow Weibull distribution. In the projected approach, the membership function allied with each objective function is generated by using the first-order Taylor series approximation and converted into a single objective function by assuming the weights of the objective functions are equal. Type conversion is made in two ways by existing methods, and using stochastic programming, the probabilistic constraints are transformed into a deterministic form. The accessible model incorporates the non-linear programming viewpoint of the decision-maker and is solved with the help of intuitionistic fuzzy programming (IFS). A comparison study on the optimum results by genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) with the LINGO 15.0 iterative scheme is offered to resolve the created bi-level programming problem (BLPP) in the course of the Stackelberg game. To make obvious the feasibility of the projected representation and solution methodology, realistic data are measured and results are presented through several discussions.

How to Cite
MAITI, Sumit Kumar et al. Fractional Programming for Stackelberg Game Under Type-2 Fuzzy Environment. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], oct. 2024. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi:
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