Comparison of the efficiency of two algorithms which solve the shortest path problem with an emotional agent

  • S. Petruseva


This paper discusses the comparison of the efficiency of two algorithms, by estimation of their complexity. For solving the problem, the Neural Network Crossbar Adaptive Array (NN-CAA) is used as the agent architecture, implementing a model of an emotion. The problem discussed is how to find the shortest path in an environment with n states. The domains concerned are environments with n states, one of which is the starting state, one is the goal state, and some states are undesirable and they should be avoided. It is obtained that finding one path (one solution) is efficient, i.e. in polynomial time by both algorithms. One of the algorithms is faster than the other only in the multiplicative constant, and it shows a step forward toward the optimality of the learning process. However, finding the optimal solution (the shortest path) by both algorithms is in exponential time which is asserted by two theorems. It might be concluded that the concept of subgoal is one step forward toward the optimality of the process of the agent learning. Yet, it should be explored further on, in order to obtain an efficient, polynomial algorithm.
How to Cite
PETRUSEVA, S.. Comparison of the efficiency of two algorithms which solve the shortest path problem with an emotional agent. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 2, oct. 2016. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 dec. 2024.

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