Numerical Solution of the Age Structure Optimization Problem for Basic Types of Power Plants


This paper addresses the integral model of the large electric power system optimal development. The case study is the Unified Electric Power System of Russia. The model takes into account the age structure of the main equipment, which is divided into several types of technical characteristics. The mathematical model is a system of Volterra type integral equations with variable integration limits. The system describes the balance between the given demand for electricity, the commissioning of new equipment and the dismantling of obsolete equipment, as well as the shares of different types of power plants in the total composition of the electric power system equipment. The problem of finding the optimal strategy for replacing equipment with a minimum of the cost functional is solved numerically on the basis of the model developed. Calculations of the forecast for development of the electric power system of Russia until 2050 were made using real-life data.

How to Cite
MARKOVA, Evgeniia V.; SIDLER, Inna V.. Numerical Solution of the Age Structure Optimization Problem for Basic Types of Power Plants. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 1, p. 81-92, mar. 2018. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.

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