Multi-Objective Stochastic Transportation Problem Involving Three-Parameter Extreme Value Distribution

  • Mitali Madhumita Acharya KIIT University
  • Adane Abebaw Gessesse KIIT University
  • Rajashree Mishra KIIT University
  • Srikumar Acharya KIIT University


In this paper, a multi-objective stochastic transportation problem is considered
where the supply and demand parameters follow extreme value distribution having
three-parameters. The proposed mathematical model for stochastic transportation
problem cannot be solved directly by mathematical approaches. Therefore, it is converted to an equivalent deterministic multi-objective mathematical
programming problem. An $\varepsilon$-constraint method is used to solve the multi-objective
deterministic mathematical programming problem. A case study is provided to
illustrate the methodology.

Author Biographies

Mitali Madhumita Acharya, KIIT University

Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences (Assistant Professor)  

Rajashree Mishra, KIIT University

Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences (Assistant Professor)

Srikumar Acharya, KIIT University

Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences (Assistant Professor)

How to Cite
ACHARYA, Mitali Madhumita et al. Multi-Objective Stochastic Transportation Problem Involving Three-Parameter Extreme Value Distribution. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 3, p. 337-358, feb. 2019. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.

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