Simulation Analysis of Quality of Business in IP Networks

  • Vesna Radonjić Đogatović
  • Marko Đogatović
  • Milorad Stanojević


In the paper, we propose a simulation model for mapping Quality of Service (QoS) parameters to Quality of Business (QoBiz) in IP networks. We assume that an Internet Service Provider (ISP) offers tariff packages based on the proposed QoS to QoBiz mapping and users’ requirements. Available bit rate and security are chosen as the key QoS parameters, and the price is selected as the main QoBiz parameter from users’ perspective, while revenue singles out as the main QoBiz parameter from ISP’s perspective. We also assume that ISP applies hybrid pricing in a manner that price reduction is performed depending on QoS violation, which is defined through network load. The simulation model is conducted using agent-based simulation methodology. Agents can be seen as autonomous units that mutually interact in the environment. In this research, users and ISP are observed as simulation agents, and IP market is seen as the environment. Output parameters in the simulation analysis are ISP’s revenue and service price.

How to Cite
RADONJIĆ ĐOGATOVIĆ, Vesna; ĐOGATOVIĆ, Marko; STANOJEVIĆ, Milorad. Simulation Analysis of Quality of Business in IP Networks. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 4, p. 507–518, dec. 2018. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.

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