Complexity Indices for the Traveling Salesman Problem Continued

  • Dragos Cvetkovic
  • Zorica Drazic
  • Vera Kovacevic-Vujcic


We consider the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP) with instances represented by complete graphs G with distances between cities as edge weights. A complexity index is an invariant of an instance I by which we predict the execution time of an exact TSP algorithm for I. In the paper [5] we have considered some short edge subgraphs of G and dened several new invariants related to their connected components. Extensive computational experiments with instances on 50 vertices with the uniform distribution of integer edge weights in the interval [1,100] show that there exists correlation between the sequences of selected invariants and the sequence of execution times of the well-known TSP Solver Concorde. In this paper we extend these considerations for instances up to 100 vertices.

How to Cite
CVETKOVIC, Dragos; DRAZIC, Zorica; KOVACEVIC-VUJCIC, Vera. Complexity Indices for the Traveling Salesman Problem Continued. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 31, n. 4, p. 471-481, apr. 2021. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.

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