Analysis of Single Server Finite Buffer Queue under Discouraged Arrival and Retention of Reneging

  • Pallabi Medhi Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, India
  • Amit Choudhury Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, India


Queuing models where arrival rates go down consequent to increase in the number of customers are called systems with discouraged arrivals. Discouraged arrivals are distinct from balking in the sense that balking implies that arriving customers do not join. In this paper, we model a single server finite buffer Markovian queuing model with discouraged arrival, balking, reneging and retention of reneged customers. The steady state probabilities are obtained using Markov process method. Closed form expression of traditional as well as some freshly designed performance measures are presented. We also perform sensitivity analysis to examine the variations in performance measures with the variations in system parameters. Our results are numerically illustrated through a field level problem with design connotations.

How to Cite
MEDHI, Pallabi; CHOUDHURY, Amit. Analysis of Single Server Finite Buffer Queue under Discouraged Arrival and Retention of Reneging. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, [S.l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 111-131, dec. 2022. ISSN 2334-6043. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
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