YUJOR - The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research is an international journal dealing with all aspects of operations research, systems science, and management science. YUJOR publishes refereed papers describing significant results in the above areas whether theoretical or empirical, mathematical or descriptive. The international composition of YUJOR's Editorial Board particularly welcomes manuscripts devoted to applications involving novel ideas and relations with other relevant disciplines such as artificial intelligence, soft computing and computer science.


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Published: 2024-05-29

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Special issue call for papers


Integrative Frontiers in OR: Harnessing AI and Computational Thinking for Enhanced Decision Analytics

Guest editors:
S. A. Edalatpanah (Lead Guest Editor), Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Iran
Email: s.a.edalatpanah@aihe.ac.ir & saedalatpanah@gmail.com
Farhad Hosseinzadeh-Lotfi, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Email: farhad@hosseinzadeh.ir
Peter Wanke, COPPEAD Graduate Business School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazi
Email: peter@coppead.ufrj.br
Yong Tan, School of Management, University of Bradford, UK
Email: y.tan9@bradford.ac.uk

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